Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Love, Law, and Freedom

"I run in the path of your commands, for you set my heart free."
Psalm 119:32

I got to thinking the other day (as I was slightly transgressing the speed limit) about law.  Not exactly a word that gives you fuzzy feelings or inspires great prose.  But even though I didn't really want to go the speed limit, I was realizing that I'm glad for them.  And for traffic laws in general.  Because if they didn't exist, driving would be pandemonium. And dangerous. And it would be hard to get any where.  Which got me thinking about freedom.

Rules and freedom don't sound like friends.  Rules are the things we see as impugning on our freedoms.  But the interesting thing is, without rules, there is less freedom.  If there was no law and associated consequences against stealing, I would not have the freedom to sit in my house and feel safe that most likely no one will try and steal my belongings.  Good laws and wise rules actually create freedom through their restrictions.

Freedom through restriction... an interesting oxymoron.  But we see this with kids too.  People agree that kids need boundaries.  It makes them feel safe, and it gives them the freedom to develop and master the milestones of their age. Of course few children can recognize that, so an adult that truly loves them will restrict them so they can have more freedom.

This law is present in love too.  There is no true love without restrictions on our freedoms.  Because I love my husband I am not free to have sex with anyone else.  I am not free to do whatever I want with my time and money without regards to him.  The most intense love I've experienced has been for my children, and I've also given up more of my freedoms to them than to anything else in my life.  If you want a life free of restrictions, you will also have a life free of love.  But in the restrictions of my family there is an unmatched joy, and yes, freedom.

I think this is an important thing to think about, because it effects our view of God.  American culture has grasped onto the Judeo-Christian concept of a loving God, but has watered the concept down to meaning a God who wants us to follow our hearts and chase our dreams.  We don't like the idea of a God with rules and boundaries.  It sounds restrictive and narrow.  But any parent knows there will come a time when they have to impose a boundary on their child for their own good but their child will see it as offensive and say something like, "you wouldn't do this if you loved me!"  When of course the opposite would be true. Because if we didn't love our children we'd save ourselves the bother and let them head straight into whatever destruction they please.

If you look for a God who will not restrict you what you'll find is a god who does not love you. And instead of finding freedom you'll find slavery. Because to be a God of Love also means to be a God of Law, and in the wise and loving law of God, there is much freedom.

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