Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Promise of Advent

Advent. It's a season full of rich symbolism and a message of deep, resounding hope for humanity. And it comes at just the right time - right in the middle of the darkest part of the year.  The days are short and there never seems to be quite enough light - especially if, like me, you live further north.  And in the midst of all this dark we string up lights and light candles and sing about peace and light.  Advent means 'Coming', and refers to the coming of Christ.  Both his initial coming as the baby in the manger, and his second coming, when he has promised to return and set things right. Christ, whom has been called the Light of the World.  Born into the middle of the world's dark night.

In some pagan cultures, the winter solstice (which happens right before Christmas) was celebrated as the rebirth of the Unconquered Sun. Because from that day forward, each day the days get a little longer. The light slowly returns and earth is brought back to the resurrection story of spring.

It feels to me like the world is in its winter solstice.  Things seem darker than ever, with people from all corners of the world fleeing or perpetrating horrible violence, with the child sex trade thriving on every continent, with the painfully real possibility that all our human creativity may result in the destruction of our planet.  The light is there, but it seems so dim and the dark seems to press in on all sides.  Advent reminds us that when you're surrounded by the dark, string up lights. Light candles. Sing about peace and light. And remember.  He's coming - the unconquered Son of God.  The sun will again warm our faces, and as it dawns anew, we will enter into creation's ancient story of  resurrection - as all that seemed dead and desolate begins to blossom.  This is the promise of Advent.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I recently heard someone say "Live life from the end of the story." This Advent in particular I've been reflecting on our eschatological hope and how it's the basis for acting in redemptive ways right now. It's been tempting especially this year to be overwhelmed by the brokenness in myself & the world I live in. Yet if we look closely we can also see so many signs of life & light. That brightness is where I want to focus my gaze, participating with God in what he is doing to restore his beloved creation. Thanks for the vivid reminder. Hope you are enjoying your Advent season friend. Hugs.
