Saturday, December 3, 2011

On Knowing and Being Known

We humans fascinate me. We are just such interesting creatures. Every now and then some regular thing about people catches my attention and whirls me into a spiral of contemplation... This all started today in the breakroom at work. Someone was talking to me about something random in their past in great expressive detail. I went from semi interested in the topic to completely distracted, thinking how interesting it is that we as people so desperately desire to let others know about ourselves. Even if it is impossibly boring minutia.

I mean think about it... Twitter?? "Status" updates? The internet has opened up a whole new universe of glorious opportunities to tell as many people out there as we can what is on our minds, and we are completely eating it up! Even if it's something as simple as what we had for breakfast or our feelings about the weather. Isn't it interesting how much we love to exchange information? To discuss indepth sports strategies or current events even though our conversation will have no effect on those things?

People love to share their life stories to an interested (or completely uninterested) listener, to share their experiences and viewpoints. I've watched people press forward determinedly in conversation when all body language of their listener points to disinterest. What is this driving desire to be known?

What do you think? Email me some feedback about what you think drives this desire in us. If I get enough I'll post it on my blog. Come on. You know you can't resist an opportunity to share your thoughts and insights:)


  1. what does it say about someone who always talks and never inquires, the person who doesn't talk about themself, or the person that always asks how you're doing? does it directly relate to their ethnocentricity, poor self-esteem, or compassion?


  2. I think you know what I would say... so I'll spare you another e-mail. :) Plus I'm checking this during my 30 second break. Love you!
